We are an international team of innovative professionals, working towards a mutual goal of making mental health treatment easier and more accessible to all people.

Karen J. Asprey
BSc (Hons) DipCHyp HPD RCMT
Clinical Director
I’m a clinical mindfulness teacher and mindfulness-based therapist and qualified to use clinical hypnosis.
I first started meditating when studying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, a mindfulness-based therapeutic approach, about twelve years ago. The impact mindfulness meditation had on my life has shaped my career.
I am also passionate about teaching self-compassion as it can be so transformative. The evidence base for its benefits just keeps growing. Being involved with the pioneering and innovative programmes NISAD is creating is exciting. I believe NISAD’s approach to emotional and physical health could mean happier and healthier lives for many more people globally.

Tessa Blanshard-Phibbs
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Director of Visual Design
My work with NISAD is to oversee the design and development of our brand across all printed and digital platforms ensuring we communicate our message thoughtfully and concisely – and with a hint of excitement!
What we do is to tackle emotional and physical difficulties, so my job is to make sure we present ourselves in a way which is friendly and inviting whilst we aim to encourage as many people as possible to take part in our programmes – without judgement! This is a daily challenge and one which I strive to step up to.

Alison Easton
BA(Hons) HPD DipCHyp
Director of Clinical & Creative Development
For over 10 years, I have been providing therapy using hypnosis to assist people in changing the beliefs and habits that are making them unwell or unhappy into those that foster health and happiness.
My role at NISAD draws on this experience as we research and develop programmes to aid emotional understanding and behavioural change.
I also write content for our blogs – with a particular interest in NoWeigh – and will be involved in the setting up of our online clinics.

Gabor M. Gyurko
Director of Creative Systems & Development
I connect brands and people through engaging content and meaningful experiences in the digital space.
My main role at NISAD is to identify opportunities, brand strategies then create brand tool-kits and digital platforms.
I am a co-founder of Déarto Creative – a collaboration of talented professionals.
Everything I do is based on human insights.

Ray Iles
BSc in Bioanalysis, MSc in Immunology and PhD in Molecular Pathology
Head of Biomedical Science at NISAD
Formerly Reader in Reproductive Physiology and Proteomics at Barts and the London Queen Mary School of Medicine, before becoming Deputy Dean for Research & Professor of Biomedical Science and at Middlesex and the Anglia Ruskin Universities.
After leaving academia I started the biotech company MAPSciences but also took on academic roles such as Founding Dean of the College of Health Sciences at Abu Dhabi University. I am also Visiting Research Professor at the Laboratory of Viral Zoonotics at the University of Cambridge as part of the UK Humeral Immune response to Covid-19 consortia.

Findus Krantz
BA Social Psychology
Social Psychologist and Analyst
As a social psychologist, I have always been interested in how and why people react in a certain way in social situations.
To me, there is always a story behind why people share meaning looks or cross their arms and I aim to uncross those arms with kindness and empathy.
I am from a small town in Sweden and I currently live in the UK. My role at NISAD includes content writing, translations and communication as well as developing our programme #certainaboutuncertainty.

Tadhg Ó Séaghdha
BSc(Hons) PG Dip Psy, RMT, Registered Clinical Psychotherapist
Founder, Director, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mindfulness Teacher
I am one of the co-founders of NISAD, a registered psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher.
Over the past decade, I have been calling for changes to the way emotional wellbeing is provided in both developed and developing countries. Essentially too many people are, for one reason or another, unable to access affordable and local support whilst, at the same time, many good clinicians are under-employed. The old system doesn’t work – and probably never did!
Fighter for the many not getting a fair deal.

Stuart Organ
MA in Drama
Director of Dramatic Content
I started my acting career in 1975. Over the years I have worked at The Aldwych (with the RSC), at The Old Vic and in The West End, and in repertory theatres all over the country. I also spent 6 months in Hong Kong with The Chung Ying Theatre Company. I created the roles of Harry Cross’ son, Kevin, in Brookside, and Peter Robson in Grange Hill.
I was twice a member of the BBC Radio Drama Company and have worked extensively in dubbing and voicing studios. I am an occasional producer and director.

Kumar Pawar
Director of Gadag Clinical Data
I am the Director of GADAG CLINICAL DATA (OPC) PVT LTD, my role includes accounting work and looking for and managing facilities for a workplace here in Gadag, Karnataka.
My main responsibilities are to manage our India operations along with the team we have here.
Our biggest challenge is to bring a change in the mindset of local people regarding their health. There is very little awareness among local people about Stress, Anxiety and Depression, so our main task is to raise awareness. With the help of NISAD, we can definitely achieve that. Our utmost priority is to Build a healthier and happier society.

Suma Pawar
BSc from University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad, Karnataka
Research Projects Manager
I run the NISAD research programme (CalmBaby) based in India, collecting data that will help towards creating new solutions for reducing stress in pregnancy. This is not only important for the health of the mother but of the utmost importance to the long-term health of the baby into adulthood.
This research allows me to do work that is important to me, where I can put women at ease by using my own personal experience along with skills of connecting with people and communicating with them about the importance of the work I do.

Nelly Pohl
Research and Development Co-ordinator
I’m a Swedish behavioural science student, currently undertaking my last semester at Lund University where I am writing my thesis statement within the area of Psychology.
My work with NISAD mostly revolves around finding opportunities and exploring ways for us to grow and connect in Sweden. In my spare time, I am vice president and co-founder of the IB Alumni Network in Sweden.
I’m passionate about providing support for those who need it, in whichever way they need it.

Stefanie Rose
BA (Hons) Business Studies and Diploma in Strategic Social Media Management
Public Engagement Director
Co-director ‘I can change my mind’ Pilot (Germany)
I live and breathe marketing and see my role within NISAD to always represent the voice of our customers. I plan and manage all social media to raise and grow awareness of who we are, what we stand for and what we do in a supportive and engaging way.
I graduated in the UK and have lived here for many years now, but I originally come from East Germany. So, occasionally I do translation work and help to set up our German operation.

Edd Sargisson
BA(Hons) Audio Production
Audio Producer
I am an Audio Producer based in the UK. I studied Audio Production at the University of Lincoln and moved back to Norwich after graduating in 2019. Here, I set up a small studio called Woodworks.
My responsibilities at NISAD involve the collection, creation and production of the audio that accompanies the story programmes – My aim is to create an accessible and engaging piece of audio storytelling to help benefit the lives of those who listen.
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